i just finished reading Persepolis and its sequal. these are amazing illustrated autobiographies of the graphic novelist Marjane Satrapi. she grew up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution of 1979. i can't tell you how amazing and painful it is to read... told in illustrations through the eyes of a child, we can't even image what it would be like to live through war and revolution like that and she did at ten years old. ever since my middle eastern history classes i've been fascinated with Iranian culture. this is something to check out, if anything just for the style of illustration. it's childish and charming, and interesting to see marjane's character grow up through the sequel.

lastly, i would just like to state that i do not support GMO's and there happens to still be sitting on our kitchen shelf a very small watermelon. "a mini melon" if you will. it's been perched inside a nest of my coffee filters since about two weeks before Elise left for europe. its ominous pressense has been haunting me for awhile now. i could see it staring at me even while sitting in the livingroom... yet the longer it sat there the more afraid i was to pick it up and move it to the trash as it would most certainly disintegrate into a ball of stinky gelatinous mush mold as any other genetically untampered piece of fruit sitting for that long would... except for this one... until tonight. i finally broke down, 3am and halfway through a paper i needed a coffee filter. this melon would not stop me. it didn't. surprisely it has not molded yet thanks to the freakish developments of science... so elise i think i'm going to try to save this one until you get home.

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