a delicious breakfast.

the ascent... up the rockface getting lost and making a new trail.

doing carwheels under the full moon with alittle flashlight painting.

i used to love shooting at night, and i haven't been out in sometime. (above) reminds me. i have a project from this past fall experimenting with multiple exposures and night portraits, both of people and lighted spaces. it was my intention to continue this project in the summer months when shooting will certainly be much more pleasant (since i started it in december). i guess i'm not sure if it has any potential anymore, the mood has kind of passed but we'll see. hopefully those will be up in the next few days along with some pinhole.
now for alittle therapy... maybe if i get this off my chest i'll feel alittle easier tonight. i woke up from a mid-day hangover nap because i had a really startling dream. honestly it really creeped me out. elsie i just had to tell you and i don't mean to scare you.
so i'm walking down a sidewalk with my mother and she and i had just gotten off the phone with you. i see on the grass by the curb a calender. on the calender the date of the 17th is pointed out. i stop to pick it up. my mom gets upset with me and say's what are you doing, that's bad luck put it down. she separates from me and starts to take a different route. as she's leaving me she yells to me "call elise". i keep walking and see another calender with the 17th circled. i think this is too strange, pick them both up and keep walking. there's a guy sitting on the bus stop and i get startled in my dream, i start to walk faster and he asks me what i have in my hands. i call back to him. "calenders. the 17th, are you superstitious? do you think it's bad luck?" he just shakes his head at me and now i'm frightened and i start running. i turn and look around and suddenly there are two dogs chasing me. i tried to scream, couldn't and that's when i woke up. i never saw what month the calender was on. i know the first one i picked up didn't indicate the month.
i don't know why but i just can't stop thinking about it. it really gives me chills. i guess i am alittle superstitious. my phone is dead and i like a dumbass have left my charger at school otherwise i would have called you. love you elsie! be careful.