Thursday, June 21, 2007

dear black cat at the empty bottle... i love you as well.

i should not have eaten mini hot dog roll ups at 1am. however i do wish to steal that little black cat. i can't decide if i'm unfunctionally lonely... or just unfunctional. i don't know for sure that even if i did have company i'd be able to deal with the very basics of life. once again i'm trying to work on this... however i think that if i had something nice and warm that curled up with me in bed to pet i would be much less inclined to try to pet boys.


Crows Feet said...

we need each other. we are so dependent.

Crows Feet said...

i tried to email you today, but i dont knoz if it was the right one. ive also been meaning to tell you that i bought these great pilloz cusions for the couch or bench that zould zork zell if you painted the living room or not. they are indian and sparkly and aweso,eness. lov eyou